Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Cross-sells Panel

The Cross-sells panel lists the account, loan, non-loan and replacement cross-sell cards for which the applicant is qualified, as generated through rules. This panel displays all available cross-sells for the applicant that are assigned to the instance of Virtual Capture.

Cross-sells are assigned to an instance within the Instances tab in Virtual Capture Cross-sells, or the Cross-Sells tab for the instance in Virtual Capture Settings. For more information, please see the Instances section of the Virtual Capture Cross-Sells topic, or Cross-Sells section of the Virtual Capture Settings topic in this guide.
If desired, administrators can select the Hide If Empty check box in the General tab to prevent the Cross-sells panel from displaying in Virtual Capture when there are no qualified cross-sells for the applicant. For more information, please see the section for General panel attributes in the Virtual Capture Screens topic.

The content of the cross-sell cards varies depending on the type of cross-sell. All cards display the Small Image, Name, and Summary Script configured for the cross-sell within the Virtual Capture Cross-Sells page (System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Virtual Capture Cross-sells).

Additionally, Replacement cross-sell offer cards display the first benefit (any new rate and amount changes) calculated by the system.

When hovering over the cross-sell image, Virtual Capture indicates alternate text for each image, which is available to applicants using a screen reader. The alternate text for these images consists of following text concatenation: <Cross-sell Name> + "Logo."

Auto-Accepted Cross-Sells

Upon navigating to the Cross-sells panel, cross-sells that have been automatically added to the application, and accepted through base share rules, are displayed within cards that have a green background and a green check mark. Clicking  displays a pop-up window, which allows applicants to review and edit information for the auto-accepted cross-sell offer. The cross-sell details pop-up window displays the benefits, sales script and the necessary fields to approve the cross-sell.

While the content of the details window varies depending on the type of cross-sell selected, all detail windows display the Small Image, Name and Sales Script configured for the cross-sell within the General tab of the Virtual Capture Cross-Sells page. Additionally, each detail window contains the applicant roles, as well as the Amount and Term configured for the cross-sell.

For more information on these settings, please see the General section of the Virtual Capture Cross-Sells topic in this guide. 

Qualified Cross-sells

Each cross-sell opportunity that an applicant is qualified for is displayed within a card that appears in the Cross-sell panel. Clicking  within the card displays the cross-sell details pop-up window, which allows applicants to view details about the offer and enter information for the cross-sell. The cross-sell details pop-up window displays the benefits, sales script and the necessary fields to approve the cross-sell.

While the content of the details window varies depending on the type of cross-sell selected, all detail windows display the Small Image, Name, and Sales Script configured for the cross-sell within the General tab in Virtual Capture Cross-Sells.

For more information on these settings, please see the General section of the Virtual Capture Cross-Sells topic in this guide. 

Additionally, each detail window contains the following:

If the replacement cross-sell is a consolidated loan, each liability is listed within the replacement explanation.

The details window for loan, non-loan and replacement cross-sells contains a  button that, when clicked, presents the applicant with a calendar drop-down to select a date to be reminded about the cross-sell offer. Upon selecting a date, and clicking , the Cross-sell card updates to display the follow-up date.

When finished reviewing the detail window, and entering any information, clicking  accepts the cross-sell and closes the detail window. The cross-sell card is updated to display a green background and a green check mark to indicate the applicant has reviewed and accepted the cross-sell terms.

If a non-loan cross-sell is accepted, and a disclosure is configured within System Management > Origination > Cross-sell Products, the disclosure is displayed after clicking . If a replacement cross-sell is accepted, the Disclosure configured within the Edit Loan Application Type window in System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Application Types is displayed.

If the system is configured to create applications upon cross-sell acceptance, or after disbursement as defined on the Approved tab of the Origination page in System Management > Modules > Origination, a new application for the cross-sell is created, and can be accessed from the List Applications screen in Virtual Capture.

If desired, applicants can click  to review and/or edit information for a cross-sell, or cancel the acceptance of a cross-sell by clicking . Upon clicking , the cross-sell card is updated to display a white background, and the green check mark is removed from the card.

 is not available if the system is configured to start applications on accepted cross-sells.
When an applicant clicks  to proceed through the Cross-sells screen, a response of "No interest at this time" is automatically set for all cross-sells that were not accepted.



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